Definition of Day care center

1. Noun. A nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work.

Exact synonyms: Day Nursery
Generic synonyms: Baby's Room, Nursery

Definition of Day care center

1. Noun. A nursery for the supervision of preschool children while the parents work. Generally more entertaining and less educational than a preschool, but with longer hours of operation. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Day Care Center

day after tomorrow
day and age
day and night
day bed
day beds
day before yesterday
day blind
day blindness
day boarder
day book
day boy
day boys
day by day
day camp
day care
day care center
day care centers
day count convention
day for night
day game
day hospital
day in, day out
day in and day out
day in day out
day in the sun
day jessamine
day job
day labor
day laborer
day laborers

Literary usage of Day care center

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Who's Minding the Kids: Child Care Arrangements Fall 1991 by Lynne M. Casper (1994)
"A day care center may also be located in a private home. 11 US Department of Education, Office of Policy and Planning, National Study of Before- and ..."

2. Employers and Child Care: Benefiting Work and Family (1994)
"... Union worked with a New York City agency and the garment manufacturers' association in developing the Chinatown Garment Industry day care center. ..."

3. Digestive Diseases of the U. S.: Epidemiology and Impact edited by James E. Everhart (1994)
"Lack of infection control practices at the day-care center and characteristics of the facility ... Day-care center-related outbreaks of diarrhea caused by ..."

4. National Health and Safety Performance Standards: Guidelines for Out-Of-Home by DIANE Publishing Company (1996)
"Isolation of cytomegalovirus from toys and hands in a day care center. ... Cytomegalovirus transmission in a midwest day care center: possible relationship ..."

5. Population Profile of the U.S., 1997 by Andrea Curry, Karen Mills, Janice Valdisera (2000)
"An organized child care facility is a day care center, nursery school, or preschool. Nonrelatives include family day care providers and in- home babysitters ..."

6. Final Report: American Psychological Association Task Force on the Mental by John R. Tassey (1998)
"Only 5 children in the day care center survived the blast, ... A YMCA day care center adjacent to the Murrah building was also severely damaged, ..."

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